Online profit-making products and services for insurance professionals

Streamline your agency to save time and money.

"The methods and ideas I learned from IMMS have made all the difference in the world in my professional life. They've made my agency a big success in a specialty market with lots of competition. I couldn�t have done it without IMMS."

Vince Lovelle
Classic Insurance Services
Naperville, IL


Tap into more than 5,000 documents organized into 13 Centers from Automation to Selling, with each headed by a leading Consultant. Updated weekly.

� manage your agency more effectively.

Robert W. Reagan, CPCU
Reagan Consulting

Planning � guide your growth.

David M. Stambaugh, CPCU
Stambaugh Associates

Selling � focus on the key elements of sales.

Randy Schwantz
The Wedge® Group

Marketing �
grow clients and revenues.

John R. Graham
Graham Communications

Communications �get your message across

Michael Lovas
About People

Technology maximize your automation investment.

Patricia A. Berry

Education save time and money with online continuing ed.

Financial and Accounting get the most bang for your agency�s buck.

Sharon Cunningham
Business Management Group

Human Resources � build your agency�s "dream team."

Donald A. Phin, J.D., CPCM, inc

Legal/E&O � follow these "ounce of prevention" guidelines.

Gary E. Jacobson, J.D.
Vander Wel, Jacobson & Bishop, Pllc

Risk Management � manage clients� risks to beef up your bottom line.

Karen Rutherford
Crisis Tool Group

Customer Service � build and strengthen customer relations.

Brandie Jensen

Life/Financial Services serve your clients� needs more effectively.

Dick Weber, CLU
The Ethical Edge, Inc.

Glossaries � build your professional knowledge with these FREE glossaries.


Use these online "mini-manuals" for key agency functions, from advertising to Web marketing.


Get help from more than 60 experts on everything from acquisitions to workflow from our user-friendly Consultants Center.

For more information on how the Marketing and Management Centers can help you grow profits, click here or call (800) 753-4467.